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本协议是您与世界总裁网及其合作单位(以下简称:“世界总裁网”)之间关于世界总裁网提供的各种产品及服务(以下统称:世界总裁网产品)的法律协议。 世界总裁网在此特别提醒,您欲使用世界总裁网产品,必须事先认真阅读本服务条款中各条款,包括免除或者限制世界总裁网责任的免责条款及对您的权利限制。请您审阅并接受或不接受本服务条款(未成年人审阅时应得到法定监护人的陪同)。如您不同意本服务条款及/或世界总裁网随时对其的修改,您应不使用或主动取消世界总裁网提供的世界总裁网产品。否则,您的任何对世界总裁网产品中的相关服务的登陆、下载、查看等使用行为将被视为您对本服务条款全部的完全接受,包括接受世界总裁网对服务条款随时所做的任何修改。
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1. 世界总裁网产品是由世界总裁网版权所有。世界总裁网产品的一切版权以及与世界总裁网产品相关的所有信息内容,包括但不限于:文字表述及其组合、图标、图饰、图表、色彩、版面设计、数据、印刷材料、或电子文档等均受著作权法和国际著作权条约以及其他知识产权法律法规的保护。
2. 您须明白,使用本服务产品涉及到互联网服务,可能会受到各个环节不稳定因素的影响。因此服务存在不可抗力、计算机病毒或黑客攻击、系统不稳定、用户所在位置、用户关机以及其他任何技术、互联网络、通信线路原因等造成的服务中断或不能满足用户要求的风险。您须承担以上风险,世界总裁网不作担保。
3. 如世界总裁网的系统发生故障影响到本服务的正常运行,世界总裁网承诺在第一时间内与相关单位配合,及时处理进行修复。但您因此而产生的经济损失,世界总裁网不承担责任。此外,世界总裁网保留不经事先通知为维修保养、升级或其他目的暂停本服务任何部分的权利。
5.您同意个人隐私信息是指那些能够对您进行个人辨识或涉及个人通信的信息,包括下列信息:您的姓名,身份证号,手机号码,IP地址,电子邮件地址信息。而非个人隐私信息是指您登陆的帐号、对软件的操作状态以及使用习惯等您的操作记录信息和其他一切个人隐私信息范围外的普通信息。世界总裁网将会采取合理的措施保护您的个人隐私信息,除法律或有法律赋予权限的政府部门要求或您同意等原因外,世界总裁网未经您同意不向除合作单位以外的第三方公开、 透露您个人隐私信息。您同意,为了运营和改善世界总裁网的技术和服务,世界总裁网可以在无须再另行通知或提示您的情况下,自己收集使用或向第三方提供使用您的非个人隐私信息,以有助于世界总裁网及合作单位向用户提供更好的用户体验和提高服务质量。
1. 您不得使用世界总裁网产品发送或传播任何妨碍社会治安或非法、虚假、骚扰性、侮辱性、恐吓性、伤害性、破坏性、挑衅性、淫秽色情性等内容的信息。
2. 您不得使用世界总裁网软件产品发送或传播敏感信息和违反国家法律制度的信息。
3. 您保证以真实的身份注册使用世界总裁网的软件产品,向世界总裁网所提供的个人身份资料信息真实、完整、有效,依据法律规定和约定对所提供的信息承担相应的法律责任。如果资料发生变化,您应及时更改。世界总裁网会及时、有效地提供该项服务。在安全完成本服务的登记程序后,您应维持密码及帐号的机密安全。您应对任何人利用您的密码及帐号所进行的活动负完全的责任,世界总裁网无法对非法或未经您授权使用您帐号及密码的行为作出甄别,因此世界总裁网不承担任何责任。
4. 盗取他人号码或利用网络通讯骚扰他人,均属于非法行为。您不得采用测试、欺骗等任何非法手段,盗取其他用户的帐号和对他人进行骚扰。
5. 世界总裁网在此郑重提请您注意,任何经由本服务以上传、下载、张贴、电子邮件或任何其他方式传送的资讯、资料、文字、软件、音乐、音讯、照片、图形、视讯、信息、用户的登记资料或其他资料等(以下简称“内容”),无论系公开还是私下传送,均由内容提供者承担责任。同时,为了提高、改进世界总裁网各种服务的用户体验,您同意世界总裁网对凡是您经由本服务通过上传、张贴等任何方式发布到世界总裁网产品的任何文字、图片及其他信息资料等进行无偿的修改、复制、传播等使用。世界总裁网无法监控经由本服务传送之内容,也无法对用户的使用行为进行全面控制,因此不保证内容的合法性、正确性、完整性、真实性或品质等;您已预知使用本服务时,可能会接触到令人不快、不适当或令人厌恶之内容,并同意将自行加以判断并承担所有风险,而不依赖于世界总裁网。但在任何情况下,世界总裁网有权依法停止任何前述内容的服务并采取相应行动,包括但不限于暂停用户使用本服务的全部或部分,保存有关记录,并向有关机关报告。但世界总裁网有权(但无义务)依其自行之考量,拒绝和删除可经由本服务提供之违反本条款的或其他引起世界总裁网或其他用户反感的任何内容。
6. 世界总裁网产品属于群体类产品,使用世界总裁网软件产品服务的用户之间引发的任何纠纷世界总裁网将不负责任。
1. 服务充值与服务币兑换比例标准制定属于世界总裁网及其合作伙伴,即世界总裁网及其合作伙伴保留变更兑换标准、兑换对象等权利。同时,世界总裁网也保留对在线服务进行升级、改版,增加、删除、修改、变更其功能或者变更其规则的权利。您如果不接受该等变更的,应当立即停止使用在线服务;您继续使用在线服务的行为,视为您接受改变后的经营模式。
2. 基于本协议您可以:
3. 您除了可以按照本协议的约定使用在线服务之外,不得进行任何侵犯在线服务的知识产权的行为,或者进行其他的有损于世界总裁网或其他用户合法权益的行为。世界总裁网也绝对不会允许您从事这些行为,亦有权采取技术措施防止您从事这些行为,包括但不限于:
4. 您充分理解到:在线服务的相关服务数据将会占据在线服务的服务器空间。长时间保留您在使用和享受在线服务产品及服务的过程中所产生的全部服务数据,将会大量地挤占服务器空间,影响您及其他用户的服务速度,增加世界总裁网的运营成本,是完全没有必要的。因此,世界总裁网将会定期将服务器上存储的一些过往的服务数据转移或者永久地删除。
5. 世界总裁网一向遵守国家有关保护青少年身心健康的法律、政策,会按照国家的相关法规保护青少年的身心健康,您会遵守国家相关的法规及世界总裁网根据相关法规制定的关于保护青少年身心健康各种规则。
6. 世界总裁网可能会通过在线服务官方网站、客服电话、服务论坛、服务管理员或者其他的途径,向您提供诸如服务规则说明、BUG或外挂投诉、服务物品找回、服务物品锁定或解除锁定等客户服务,您应当:
7. 您如有任何违反协议或相关法规的,世界总裁网有权采取下列措施当中的一种或几种:
8. 您充分理解到:用户从事违反约定或相关法规的行为,是一种即时性的瞬间消失的行为。目前,在线服务企业通常是在服务器软件和/或客户端软件中设置安全程序,由这种安全程序对接收到的从用户使用的计算机上传输过来的服务数据进行分析判断。如果接收到服务数据符合这种安全程序当中事先设定的多项分析指标,或者多次符合其中设定的某一项或某几项指标,则在线服务企业可能据此判断用户从事了违反约定或相关法规行为。当然,在线服务企业也可能会采取与上列方式不同的方式进行分析判断。但无论世界总裁网采取何种方式对用户从事的违反约定或相关法规的行为进行判断,您同意均以世界总裁网提供的相关数据和判断方式、标准等为准,对此您没有异议。
9. 您充分理解到:在线服务企业根据安全程序所做出的分析判断都不是100%准确无误的,世界总裁网也不例外。世界总裁网将尽最力提高安全程序的性能。但世界总裁网不保证也不承诺:其通过该种安全程序所作出的分析、判断就一定是100%准确的。对此,您是给予充分理解并谅解的。如果世界总裁网做出了错误判断据此判断给您造成了损失的,您愿意自行承担,世界总裁网将不给予任何赔偿。
10. 您充分理解到:用户可能从事的违反约定或相关法规的行为,是一种即时性的瞬间即可让众多用户知晓的行为。世界总裁网如果不立即采取各种处理措施,可能会造成非常严重非常恶劣的后果。对此,您是给予充分理解的,并完全同意世界总裁网采取相关措施对相关违反约定或相关法规行为进行处理。
11. 您如果对世界总裁网就您使用的论坛帐号采取的相关措施有异议,则应当在知道世界总裁网采取该等措施之日7个工作日内向世界总裁网客户服务反馈,提供相应的情况,说明您的异议理由。世界总裁网将会根据您提供的情况及说明的理由自行判断是否应当终止执行该等措施。但这不会导致该等措施无效,也不影响异议期间该等措施的执行。世界总裁网客户服务如果在采取该等措施3个月未接到任何反馈的,则视为您没有任何异议,世界总裁网不再接受任何有关的反馈。
12. 您充分理解到:有使用期限的服务道具、服务装备,其使用期限自您获得该服务道具、服务装备时起计算。因您从事违反约定或法规行为而导致世界总裁网对您的账号采取相关措施,可能会导致您当前使用的论坛帐号项下的有使用期限的服务道具、服务装备因使用期限在世界总裁网采取上述措施期间届满而无法继续使用,由此给您造成损失由您自行承担,世界总裁网将不给予任何补偿。换言之,世界总裁网采取上述措施所持续的时间是计算在有使用期限的服务道具、服务装备的使用期限当中的;该等措施执行终止后,服务道具、服务装备的使用期限并不会因此续延。
13. 在线服务和/或其附属的商店内出售的服务物品,没有标明使用期限,或者其标明的使用期限为“永久”、“无限期”或“无限制”的服务物品,仅指在世界总裁网运营在线服务期间可以无限期使用,其使用期限即为自您获得该服务物品之日起至在线服务终止运营(无论何种原因导致的终止运营)之日止。一旦因为各种原因导致本协议被终止或者在线服务终止运营,您将无法继续使用该等服务物品,世界总裁网对您本人或任何第三方均不负任何损害赔偿或退款责任。
14. 世界总裁网保留随时地、不事先通知地、不需要任何理由地、单方面地中止、终止本协议或提供相关在线服务服务的权利。该等中止、终止,可能是因为世界总裁网解散、注销、合并、分立,也可能是因为世界总裁网将在线服务或其运营权转让给了第三方,还可能是因为国家法律、法规、政策及国家机关的命令或者其他的诸如地震、火灾、海啸、台风、罢工、战争等不可抗力事件,还可能是上列原因之外的其他原因。若世界总裁网的该等中止、终止行为给你造成任何损失的,您同意不向世界总裁网主张任何赔偿或其他责任。
15. 账号使用与保管
16. 服务的中止与终止
17. 用户信息保护
A. 您或您的监护人授权世界总裁网披露的;
B. 有关法律要求世界总裁网披露的;
C. 司法机关或行政机关基于法定程序要求世界总裁网提供的;
世界总裁网 WWW.WNCEO.COM 2022.10.26
This agreement is a legal agreement between you and World President Network and its partners (hereinafter referred to as: "World President Network") regarding the various products and services provided by World President Network (hereinafter collectively referred to as: World President Network products). World President Network hereby reminds you that if you want to use World President Network products, you must carefully read the terms of these Terms of Service in advance, including the disclaimer clauses that exempt or limit World President Network's liability and the restrictions on your rights. Please review and accept or not accept these Terms of Service (minors should be accompanied by a legal guardian when reviewing). If you do not agree to these Terms of Service and/or the modifications made by WorldPresident.com at any time, you should not use or actively cancel the WorldPresident.com products provided by WorldPresident.com. Otherwise, any of your logging in, downloading, viewing, etc. use of related services in World President Network products will be deemed as your complete acceptance of all these Terms of Service, including acceptance of any modifications made by World President Network to the Terms of Service at any time. .
Once these terms of service are changed, World President Network will publish the modified content on the web page. Once the revised Terms of Service are published on the web page, they will effectively replace the original Terms of Service. You can log in to the official forum of World President Network at any time to check the latest version of the terms of service.
If you choose to accept these terms, it means that you agree to be bound by the conditions of the agreement. If you do not agree to these Terms of Service, you do not have the right to use the Service. If you violate the provisions of these Terms, World President Network has the right to suspend or terminate your qualification to use World President Network products at any time and reserves the right to pursue relevant legal liabilities.
1. Product protection terms
1. World President Network products are copyrighted by World President Network. All copyrights of World President Network products and all information content related to World President Network products, including but not limited to: text expressions and their combinations, icons, illustrations, charts, colors, layout designs, data, printed materials, or electronic documents etc. are protected by copyright law, international copyright treaties and other intellectual property laws and regulations.
2. You must understand that the use of this service product involves Internet services and may be affected by unstable factors in various links. Therefore, the service is subject to the risk of service interruption or failure to meet user requirements caused by force majeure, computer viruses or hacker attacks, system instability, user location, user shutdown, and any other technical, Internet, communication line reasons, etc. You must bear the above risks, and World President Network does not guarantee it.
3. If a system failure of World President Network affects the normal operation of this service, World President Network promises to cooperate with relevant units as soon as possible to handle and repair it in a timely manner. However, World President Network will not be held responsible for any economic losses you may suffer as a result. In addition, World President Network reserves the right to suspend any part of the Service for maintenance, upgrades or other purposes without prior notice.
4. The use of this service must comply with relevant national laws and policies, safeguard national interests, protect national security, and comply with these terms. All responsibilities arising from your illegal or violation of these terms (including but not limited to speech publication, transmission, etc.) , you bear all the responsibilities and have nothing to do with the World President Network and its cooperative units. If the World President Network and its cooperative units suffer losses, the World President Network and its cooperative units have the right to demand compensation, and have the right to immediately stop providing services to them and retain relevant records, and reserves the right to cooperate with judicial authorities in pursuing legal liability.
5. You agree that personal privacy information refers to information that can personally identify you or involves personal communications, including the following information: your name, ID number, mobile phone number, IP address, and email address information. Non-personal privacy information refers to your logged-in account, software operation status and usage habits, etc. Your operation record information and all other general information outside the scope of personal privacy information. World President Network will take reasonable measures to protect your personal privacy information. Unless required by law or government departments with legal authority or with your consent, World President Network will not disclose it to third parties other than cooperative entities without your consent. Publicly disclose your personal privacy information. You agree that in order to operate and improve the technology and services of World President Network, World President Network may collect and use or provide and use your non-personal privacy information to third parties without further notice or prompting you to help Provide users with a better user experience and improve service quality on the World President Network and its cooperative units.
2. User instructions
In particular, you are reminded that when using the Internet, you must abide by relevant national policies and laws, such as criminal law, national security law, confidentiality law, computer information system security protection regulations, etc., to protect national interests, protect national security, and be responsible for all violations caused by illegal use of the Internet. Responsibility rests entirely with you.
1. You may not use World President Network products to send or disseminate any information that hinders public order or is illegal, false, harassing, insulting, threatening, harmful, destructive, provocative, obscene and pornographic.
2. You may not use the World President Network software products to send or disseminate sensitive information and information that violates the national legal system.
3. You guarantee that you will register and use the software products of World President Network with your real identity, that the personal identity information provided to World President Network will be true, complete and valid, and that you will bear corresponding legal responsibilities for the information provided in accordance with legal provisions and agreements. If the information changes, you should change it promptly. World President Network will provide this service in a timely and effective manner. After safely completing the registration process for this service, you should maintain the confidentiality of your password and account. You shall be fully responsible for the activities carried out by anyone using your password and account. The World President Network cannot screen the illegal or unauthorized use of your account and password, so the World President Network does not assume any responsibility.
4. Stealing other people’s numbers or using online communications to harass others is illegal. You are not allowed to use any illegal means such as testing and deception to steal other users' accounts and harass others.
5. World President Network hereby solemnly draws your attention to any information, materials, text, software, music, audio, photos, graphics, videos, information transmitted through this service through uploading, downloading, posting, email or any other means. , user registration information or other information (hereinafter referred to as "content"), whether it is transmitted publicly or privately, the content provider shall bear the responsibility. At the same time, in order to enhance and improve the user experience of World President Network's various services, you agree that World President Network will not be responsible for any text, pictures and other information materials that you publish to World President Network products through this service by uploading, posting or any other method. Free modification, copying, dissemination and other uses. World President Network cannot monitor the content transmitted through this service, nor can it fully control the user's usage behavior. Therefore, it does not guarantee the legality, correctness, integrity, authenticity or quality of the content; you have already known that when using this service , may be exposed to objectionable, inappropriate or objectionable content, and agree to make their own judgment and bear all risks, without relying on the World President Network. However, under any circumstances, World President Network has the right to stop any of the aforementioned services and take corresponding actions in accordance with the law, including but not limited to suspending users from using all or part of this service, saving relevant records, and reporting to relevant authorities. However, World President Network has the right (but not the obligation) to refuse and delete any content that may be provided through this service that violates these Terms or otherwise causes objection to World President Network or other users at its own discretion.
6. World President Network products are group products, and World President Network will not be responsible for any disputes caused between users who use World President Network software product services.
3. About online services
Among the products of World President Network, World President Network currently provides online services. You agree, understand and abide by the following terms. These terms are not only applicable to online services. If other related services of World President Network products involve similar situations, they will also apply and are binding on both parties:
1. The standard formulation of service recharge and service currency exchange ratio belongs to World President Network and its partners, that is, World President Network and its partners reserve the right to change the exchange standards, redemption objects, etc. At the same time, World President Network also reserves the right to upgrade and revise online services, add, delete, modify, change its functions or change its rules. If you do not accept such changes, you should immediately stop using the online services; your continued use of the online services will be deemed as your acceptance of the changed business model.
2. Based on this agreement you can:
(1) Install, start, upgrade, log in, display, run or take screenshots of online services;
(2) Create a network online service role, set a network name, check online service rules, user profile, set online service parameters, use the chat function, purchase and give away props, equipment, etc. in online services;
3. In addition to using the online services in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, you may not engage in any behavior that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of the online services, or engages in other behavior that is detrimental to the legitimate rights and interests of the World President Network or other users. World President Network will never allow you to engage in these behaviors, and has the right to take technical measures to prevent you from engaging in these behaviors, including but not limited to:
(1) Delete or modify copyright information on online services, or forge ICP/IP addresses or data packet names;
(2) Carry out any behavior that undermines the fairness of online services or otherwise affects the normal order of services, such as actively or passively brushing points, cheating in partnership, using service plug-ins or other cheating software, and exploiting BUGs (also called "loopholes" or "defects") ) to obtain unfair and illegal benefits, or use the Internet or other means to make service plug-ins, cheating software, and bugs public;
(3) Use techniques such as hijacking domain name servers to illegally invade and destroy the server software system of online services, or modify, add, delete, steal, intercept, or replace data in the server software system, or illegally occupy the server space of online services, or implement Other behaviors that overload it;
(4) Conduct any commercial activities such as publishing advertisements, selling goods, or conduct any illegal activities that infringe the interests of the World President Network, such as selling service props, service equipment, etc.;
(5) Impersonate the World President Network, online service administrator or World President Network service forum administrator or moderator to publish any fraud or false information;
(6) Publish, forward, and disseminate content that contains abuse, curses, slander, attack, slander, or infringement of the rights and interests of the World President Network and/or third parties, or content that contains feudal superstition, obscenity, pornography, indecentness, terror, violence, murder, gambling, , reactionary, inciting ethnic hatred, endangering the reunification of the motherland, subverting state power and other illegal speeches that are objectionable and disgusting, or setting up a network name or service role name containing the above content;
(7) Conduct malicious screen swiping, malicious kicking, malicious time-consuming and other behaviors that maliciously undermine the public order of services in online services;
(8) Use online services to intentionally spread malicious programs or computer viruses, or use online services to publish, forward, or disseminate text, pictures, photos, Materials such as programs, videos, images and/or animations.
4. You fully understand that: the relevant service data of the online service will occupy the server space of the online service. Retaining all the service data generated when you use and enjoy online service products and services for a long time will occupy a large amount of server space, affect the service speed of you and other users, and increase the operating costs of the World President Network. It is completely inappropriate. unnecessary. Therefore, World President Network will regularly transfer or permanently delete some past service data stored on the server.
5. The World President Network has always abided by the national laws and policies on the protection of the physical and mental health of young people, and will protect the physical and mental health of young people in accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations. Various rules of health.
6. World President Network may provide you with information such as service rule descriptions, BUG or plug-in complaints, service item retrieval, and service item locking or unlocking through the official online service website, customer service phone number, service forum, service administrator or other means. To lock in other customer services, you should:
(1) Understand the content, requirements and rates of these customer services through the official customer service website of World President Network or other channels provided by World President Network, carefully choose whether you need to enjoy the corresponding customer service, and truly and accurately express your needs;
(2) Agree and accept the special agreements or terms of the World President Network regarding such customer services;
(3) In accordance with the requirements of World President Network, truthfully provide your personal information and service status including valid identity information, as well as the status of other users or the online service itself that you have, such as: your online service login status and service items situation, bugs and cheats existing in online services, and the use of bugs or cheats by other players you know.
7. If you violate the agreement or relevant regulations in any way, World President Network has the right to take one or more of the following measures:
(1) Immediately disconnect the network connection between the computer you are currently using and the online service server. You must log in again to continue using the online service;
(2) You are temporarily prohibited from logging into online services with your current forum account;
(3) You are temporarily prohibited from using an online service role created under the currently used forum account;
(4) Temporarily limit the scope of activities of an online service role under your current forum account to a specific service area;
(5) Reduce or clear the points, levels and/or honors of your current forum account in online services;
(6) You are temporarily prohibited from making any comments in online services using your current forum account;
(7) Permanently and irrevocably delete the advertisements, false information or illegal speech you posted, or take other measures to prevent their spread;
(8) Permanently and irrevocably cancel or clear your illegally obtained points, levels or honors;
(9) You are permanently and irrevocably prohibited from making any comments in online services using your current forum account;
(10) Permanently and irrevocably delete all service props, service equipment, service coins, points, levels, honors and other information and corresponding service data under your current forum account;
(11) Take other measures other than those listed above.
8. You fully understand that users’ behavior that violates the agreement or relevant laws and regulations is an immediate and instantaneous behavior. At present, online service companies usually set up security programs in server software and/or client software. This security program analyzes and judges the service data received and transmitted from the user's computer. If the received service data meets multiple analysis indicators set in advance in this security program, or meets one or several indicators set in it multiple times, the online service company may judge that the user has violated the agreement based on this. or related regulatory actions. Of course, online service companies may also adopt methods different from those listed above to conduct analysis and judgment. However, no matter what method the World President Network adopts to judge the user's behavior that violates the agreement or relevant laws and regulations, you agree that the relevant data, judgment methods, standards, etc. provided by the World President Network shall prevail, and you have no objection to this.
9. You fully understand that: the analysis and judgment made by online service companies based on security procedures are not 100% accurate, and World President Network is no exception. World President Network will do its best to improve the performance of security procedures. However, World President Network does not guarantee or promise that its analysis and judgment made through such security procedures will be 100% accurate. You fully understand and forgive this. If World President Network makes a wrong judgment and causes losses to you based on this judgment, you are willing to bear it yourself, and World President Network will not provide any compensation.
10. You fully understand that the behavior that users may engage in that violates the agreement or relevant laws and regulations is an immediate behavior that can be known to many users in an instant. If the World President Network does not take various measures immediately, it may cause very serious and very bad consequences. You fully understand this and fully agree that World President Network will take relevant measures to deal with relevant violations of the agreement or relevant laws and regulations.
11. If you have any objection to the relevant measures taken by WorldPresident.com regarding the forum account you use, you should provide feedback to WorldPresident.com customer service and provide the corresponding information within 7 working days from the date when you learn that WorldPresident.com has taken such measures. , explain the reason for your objection. World President Network will judge at its own discretion whether such measures should be terminated based on the circumstances and reasons provided by you. However, this will not render such measures invalid, nor will it affect the execution of such measures during the objection period. If the customer service of World President Network does not receive any feedback within 3 months of taking such measures, it will be deemed that you have no objection and World President Network will no longer accept any relevant feedback.
12. You fully understand that: the service props and service equipment that have a use period are calculated from the time you obtain the service props and service equipment. If the World President Network takes relevant measures against your account due to your violation of agreements or regulations, the service props and service equipment that have a validity period under the forum account you are currently using may be taken away from the World President Network due to their expiration date. If the above measures expire and you cannot continue to use it, you will be responsible for any losses caused thereto, and World President Network will not provide any compensation. In other words, the duration for which the World President Network takes the above measures is calculated into the service period of the service props and service equipment that have a use period; after the execution of these measures is terminated, the service period of the service props and service equipment will not be extended accordingly. extension.
13. The service items sold in the online service and/or its affiliated stores do not indicate a period of use, or the service items whose period of use is marked as "permanent", "indefinite" or "unlimited" only refer to those in the world. The online service operated by President.com can be used indefinitely, and its period of use is from the date you obtain the service item to the date the online service terminates its operation (regardless of the reason for the termination of operation). Once this agreement is terminated or the online service is terminated due to various reasons, you will no longer be able to use such service items, and World President Network will not be liable for any damages or refunds to you or any third party.
14. World President Network reserves the right to unilaterally suspend or terminate this Agreement or provide related online services at any time, without prior notice and without any reason. Such suspension or termination may be due to the dissolution, cancellation, merger or division of World President Network, or it may be due to the transfer of online services or its operating rights to a third party by World President Network, or it may be due to national laws, regulations and policies. and orders from state agencies or other force majeure events such as earthquakes, fires, tsunamis, typhoons, strikes, wars, etc., or other reasons besides the above. If such suspension or termination of World President Network causes any loss to you, you agree not to claim any compensation or other liability against World President Network.
15. Account use and storage
(1) World President Network has the right to review whether the identity information you provide for registration is true and valid, and should actively take technical and management and other reasonable measures to ensure the security and validity of your account; you are obliged to properly keep your account number and password, And use your account and password correctly and securely. If any party fails to fulfill the above obligations, resulting in loss of account password, account theft, etc. and causing damage to the civil rights of you and others, it shall bear the resulting legal liability.
(2) You have rights and assume responsibilities in accordance with the law for the actions that occur with the account you hold after logging in.
(3) If you find that your account or password has been used illegally or abnormally by others, you should promptly notify WorldPresident.com in accordance with the handling methods announced by WorldPresident.com, and you have the right to notify WorldPresident.com to take measures to suspend the account. Log in and use.
(4) If World President Network takes measures to suspend the login and use of user accounts based on your notice, World President Network shall require you to provide and verify your personal valid identity information that is consistent with your registered identity information.
(5) If World President Network verifies that the personal valid identity information you provide is consistent with the registered identity information, it shall take timely measures to suspend the login and use of the user account.
(6) If World President Network violates the agreement in (5) and fails to take timely measures to suspend the login and use of the user account, thereby causing losses to you, it shall bear its corresponding legal liability.
(7) If you do not provide a true personal valid identity document or the personal valid identity document you provide is inconsistent with the registered identity information, World President Network has the right to refuse your request based on item (3) of this article.
(8) In order to safeguard your legitimate rights and interests, when you provide World President Network with personal valid identity information that is consistent with the registered identity information, World President Network should provide you with necessary assistance such as account registrant certificate and original registration information. and support, and provide relevant evidence and information to relevant administrative agencies and judicial agencies as needed.
16. Suspension and termination of services
(1) If you publish illegal information, seriously violate social ethics, or otherwise violate prohibitive provisions of the law, World President Network has the right to immediately terminate the service to you.
(2) If you engage in improper behavior that violates the agreement or relevant laws and regulations when receiving services from the World President Network, the World President Network has the right to terminate the service to you.
(3) If you fail to register with true personal identity information, or commit acts that violate this Agreement or relevant regulations, World President Network has the right to suspend all or part of its services to you; World President Network will take suspension measures in an appropriate manner. Notify you and inform you of the suspension period. The suspension period is reasonable. When the suspension period expires, World President Network shall promptly resume its services to you.
(4) If World President Network suspends or terminates the provision of some or all services to you in accordance with the provisions of this article, World President Network shall bear the burden of proof.
17. User information protection
(1) When World President Network requires you to provide information related to your personal identity, it will disclose its privacy protection policy and personal information utilization policy to you in a clear and easy-to-visible manner in advance, and take necessary measures to protect your personal information. Security of data.
(2) World President Network shall not provide, disclose or share your name, personal valid ID number, contact information, home address and other personally identifiable information in your registration information to any third party without your permission, except in the following circumstances:
A. You or your guardian authorizes World President Network to disclose;
B. Relevant laws require World President Network to disclose;
C. Judicial or administrative agencies require the World President Network to provide it based on legal procedures;
D. When World President Network files a lawsuit or arbitration against you in order to protect its legitimate rights and interests;
E. When providing your personally identifiable information in response to the legal request of your guardian.
4. Service Statement World President Network specifically draws your attention to the fact that in order to protect the company's autonomy in business development and adjustment, World President Network has the right to modify or interrupt services at any time without notifying you. World President Network will exercise the right to modify or interrupt the service. Rights in the Service are without any liability to you or any third party. You must agree to these terms before World President Network can start providing services to you.
5. Applicable law
The interpretation, validity and resolution of disputes of these Terms of Service shall be governed by the laws of the Mainland of the People's Republic of China.
If any dispute or dispute arises between you and World President Network, it should first be resolved through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, you hereby fully agree to submit the dispute or controversy to the jurisdiction of the people's court where World President Network is located. World President Network has the right to interpret and modify the above terms and conditions.
World CEO Network WWW.WNCEO.COM 2022.10.26